Youth Tickets
  • 10 Sep 2024
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Youth Tickets

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Article summary

Your Request

I am a member, but not yet of age and no longer in the KidsClub. How do I get tickets?

General Information

Since the 2023/24 season, 14 to 17-year-old club members have had their own ticket contingent for each BVB home game, which is allocated separately from the actual member sale. This contingent will also increase your chances of getting tickets in the future, as you don't have to compete for tickets with all the other members in the ticket shop.

Each young member can apply for a maximum of two tickets, at least one of which must be a discounted youth ticket.


Here screenshots explain how the purchase works.

1. On the homepage, first log in with your email address and password in the top right corner via "Login".  

2. Then click on "Request Youth Tickets" in the menu:


3. In the next step, select the cards you want, first the game and then the number of cards:


4. Next, enter the details of the parent or guardian:


5. Finally, you will see an overview of your order. All three boxes must be ticked, then the request can be sent.


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