- 16 Sep 2024
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Buying BVB-Merchandise
- Updated on 16 Sep 2024
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I want to know where and how I can buy BVB fan merchandise.
You can find our extensive range in our online fan shop as well as in our stationary fan shops.
You can also find more information on this topic here:
- BVB-Onlineshop International
- FAQs BVB-Onlineshop International
- BVB-Online-Fanshop DACH
- Overview on the stationary Fanshops
Questions & Answers 
How do I get a fan merchandise catalog?
For reasons of sustainability, we have no longer offered catalogues since the 19/20 season.
At BVB, topics such as environmental awareness and climate protection, which are becoming more and more popular in society, have long been of great importance. All decisions made by the club are also examined under the question of sustainability. In our view, a thick fan merchandise catalogue printed on paper in an edition of one hundred thousand copies no longer fits in with the times.
What's more, buying behaviour has changed completely in the course of digitalisation – and BVB fans are of course no exception. Today, you too usually inform yourself on our website in order to order fan merchandise in the online fan shop or to buy in the FanWelt or in our FanShops.
The third reason for the innovation: We want to be able to react flexibly and promptly to current sporting developments in the future. Our range is no longer "set in stone" for twelve months. It becomes more lively. It will reflect the emotions and moods even better. You can always find our current range in our Onlineshop. By the way: If you would like to find out more about BVB's activities in terms of sustainability, you can also find the Sustainability Report on our Homepage .
Can I also order fan merchandise by phone?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to order by phone. Please visit our online shop!
Can I also order fan merchandise by letter/fax?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to order by letter or fax. Please visit our online shop!
Where else can I get fan merchandise?
Especially in the greater Dortmund area, many partners such as REWE or ARAL have our fan articles in their range.
Sports shops such as Sportscheck and Intersport Voswinkel also carry our fan articles. It is best to ask which stores carry which items directly on site.
There are also some partners on Amazon and we are represented too.
Any questions? Your feedback helps us to make this site better.