- 11 Sep 2024
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Introduction Service Portal
- Updated on 11 Sep 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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You'll never walk alone: Borussia Dortmund
Borussia Dortmund touches the lives of many people across all generations, genders, and regions. Every fan has a very personal and individual relationship with their black and yellow club. There are countless topics related to BVB. The everyday life of the Bundesliga not only brings excitement and thrills but also constant development and change.
In our service portal, we want to give all BVB supporters the opportunity to quickly find an answer to any service-related question themselves. Of course, our digital platforms, website, app, and online shops, remain the central hub for news about BVB. If you can't find what you're looking for there, you can enter your question directly in our service portal. Each year, our BVB service receives nearly 200,000 inquiries on a wide range of topics. We publish the answers to the most frequently asked questions here so that all fans can access the information 24/7.
Questions & Answers 
For whom is the service portal intended?
For all supporters of Borussia Dortmund - in particular, members, season ticket holders, ticket buyers, and participants of the football academy will find additional information about black and yellow products and services here.
How do I find an answer?
There are several ways to look for information:
- On the homepage, type a question into the search bar. While typing, you'll see various knowledge articles that might match your topic. Press 'Enter' to open the first article, or select one of the other articles. Alternatively, you can click the magnifying glass in the search bar to see all articles related to your question
- Further down on the homepage, you'll find the latest, top-rated, and frequently read articles, as well as an overview of the main categories. You can navigate to your desired topic from here.
- The "Start" menu item takes you to a page where all categories are listed. You can filter by keywords and navigate through the menu to the relevant topics.
If you find an article that seems incorrect or faulty, please provide feedback at the bottom of the page. This helps us to improve the article.
In case you can't find an answer to your question, feel free to contact us. We'll take care of your concern promptly.
What do I find in the articles?
Your enquiries are at the centre of our service portal. Whenever you contact us, there's a reason for it. We've divided these concerns into different categories (e.g., "Login & Account," "Home Match," etc.). Each concern has its own knowledge article. At the top there is always the main concern, followed by additional information and the most important questions and answers related to that concern.
What is the difference between the Service Portal and the other BVB-Websites?
The service portal is a supplement to the existing websites bvb.de, the fan merchandise online shop, the ticket shop, and BVB-TV, with a focus on service inquiries. While the other sites are more geared towards news, entertainment, and shopping, we deliberately focus here on relevant and detailed information about BVB. Every supporter should be able to quickly find the appropriate information.
Any questions? Your feedback helps us improve the page.