Coming to Dortmund as Visiting Fan
  • 13 Sep 2024
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Coming to Dortmund as Visiting Fan

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Article summary

Your Request

As a fan of the opposing team, I want to come to the most beautiful stadium in the world well informed. 

General Information

Of course, we also want to welcome our away fans here. We hope you have a great day in our stadium.

You can also find more information on this topic here:

Questions & Answers

Where can I get guest cards?

Tickets for the guest area can only be requested from the respective guest club. It is not possible to book via the BVB ticket shop. The visiting club has up to 10% of the total capacity of our stadium at its disposal.

Where are the guest cards located?

Blocks of the north stand and the corner of the north and east are usually intended for away fans (8, 60, 61, 70+75 and 55-59). However, this can vary depending on demand. Access to these blocks is not permitted with BVB fan clothing.

What is the best way to get there?

Depending on where you are coming from, you will travel via one of these motorways:

From the north: A1 to the Dortmund-Unna junction, A44/B1 towards Dortmund

From the east: A2 to Kreuz Dortmund-Nordost, B236 towards Schwerte, B1 towards Dortmund

From the south: A45 to Kreuz Dortmund-Süd, B54 towards Dortmund

From the west: A40/B1 towards Dortmund

Parking areas E1-E3 are intended for guests. Guest buses please park on E3 (Viktor-Toyka-Str.).

Are there drop-off points at the away section?

Yes, directly opposite the guest entrance on the north side of the stadium there is the "guest drop-off point" (only for away fans!). There is also a "guest drop-off point" on Turnweg next to the Rote Erde stadium. The fee for the deposit is 0.50 euros.

When does the stadium open?

The stadium always opens 2.5 hours before the start of the match.

Do I have to buy a BVB Stadium Card?

Away fans can also make contactless payments in other ways, e.g. by EC or credit card. All payment options can be found under the item "Paying in the stadium". Of course, you can still get the Stadiondeckel. 

Are glass bottles prohibited?

Yes, there is a ban on glass bottles in the vicinity of the stadium. In the graphic you will find the corresponding areas.

How are drunk guests treated at the entrance? 

The Borussia Dortmund security service reserves the right to deny entry to guests who are obviously drunk. This is decided individually in the situation. There is no blood alcohol test at the entrance.

What special offers of help are there in the stadium?

This depends on where you need help. There is support around as well as in the stadium (after passing through the turnstiles).

What else is important to know?

Since the 2019/2020 season, some of the stewards have been equipped with a so-called "body flag". In this way, the security service supports the paramedics deployed in the standing stands in the event of a possible medical emergency, including in the away section. In the future, the body flag will also be part of the equipment of the security service on the forecourt and at the entrances, which will provide orientation for paramedics to the scene of the incident if necessary.  

Bild         Bild

Ein Bild, das draußen, Gras, Gebäude, stehend enthält.

Automatisch generierte Beschreibung 

How do I get more information about my club's away match?

The fan representatives of the visiting club receive all the latest information from the BVB fan representatives before the respective match and usually publish it a few days before the match. If you have any further questions, it is best to contact the fan representatives of your favourite club directly. 

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