Change of Personal Data
  • 10 Sep 2024
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Change of Personal Data

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Article summary

Your Request

I have an account, can log in, and want to change or delete my data there.

Questions & Answers 

How can I change my data?

After logging into your personal BVB-Account, you can change the following data:

  • Password: Enter your old password and enter the new password twice
  • Nickname: Your username for some BVB pages
  • Language: German or English
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone and mobile number
  • Newsletter Subscription

You can only change the following data in consultation with our service:

  • First and last name
  • Date of birth
  • Bank account
  • E-mail address

To change this information, please send a message from your account's email address to Please send an official document (copy of your identity card, marriage certificate or similar) that can prove your request for change and include your full name, address and date of birth. The best way to provide us with the new bank details is by phone or in writing by post/fax.

How can I delete my data?

As a rule, personal data is automatically deleted as soon as we no longer need it to fulfil our contractual and/or legal obligations. Invoice data, for example, may only be deleted after 10 years. All users have the right to have their data deleted in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR, provided that we no longer need the data and there are no statutory retention purposes to the contrary. Please send us an e-mail to and include your full name, address and date of birth. 

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